Sunday 31 August 2014

Conventions of a Romance Genre

Main events:
-Usually obsessive parent, which is the main characters parent. They usually meddle up in the main character's love life, setting them up with opposite personalities etc.
-Bad things happens the two main characters.
-Involves the break ups and divorce either between the main character or the one they are going after.
-love scenes are always involved, which follow the conventions of a typical romance
-State of equilibrium, so everything is normal (normality)
- Usually meet someone, in everyday place etc.
-Aimed at a female audience
- Usually involves weddings, hearts and flowers, which all are symbolic for love
-A typical romance gnere would include sexuality status, gender and relationships. These relationships usually are on the rocks, which the storyline of the film is about trying to fix it.
-Often the film directors use other genre elements, such as comedy, in their films
-They are as realistic as possible, so that they are relatable and can get to the audience's emotional side.
-Often a voiceover used to introduce the story, either the main character's
-The first appearance of a character is usually the main character of the film, either the lover of the the one they want to get
-Mise en scene used: flowers, wedding rings, hearts, roses, love letters, present to entice the one they love
-Hints within the film suggesting they would be a perfect match for each other, e.g. both like a weird interest.
-The boy meets the girl scenario, traditional love story
- Set in numerous periods, older times to nowadays
-Arguements at the beginning, break up, then the rest of the film is trying to reunite them, however there re numerous obstacles within the way

Target audience:
-Usually aimed at a female audience because stereotypically love is associated with the female gender rather than a male, which prefer action and horrors.
-The age ranges from 12 and up as this gives young girls hope of finding love.

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