Tuesday 16 December 2014

Brief Storyboard Analysis

Storyboard analysis

This is our initial ideas which we have put into an animated storyboard.We haven't shown much about our choice of camera angles but we have recognized this and a variation will be used in our actual trailer.At the point of making the storyboard not all our ideas had been finished or discussed which means our soundtrack was not added to it however after finding the perfect piece we will be adding it to our edited trailer. We would also need to add title including actors name and some dramatic catch lines about the film and when its coming to the cinemas.Like most people our storyboard will not identically match our finished piece but we will  draw influence from it whilst we have film. This storyboard also gives us a guideline of what our trailer should look like, so during the filming stages, we would be able to follow it if necessary. 

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