Monday 5 January 2015

Font research- Finding the perfect one

Font for a a film is important as when the film becomes more recognisable, the font would therefore provide identity to the film. For example, white block writing, is stereotypically associated with the film 'Scream'. This means that it is vital for us to find a typeface which is ideal for our horror trailer, and therefore be placed on magazines and poster, which we are also manufacturing. From browsing various internet websites and images, we final found the ideal one which we like to pursue into using for our titles. These are other ones were other fonts which we also found, which would give you an insight of our thought process into choosing the ideal one.
 This is an example of what we could have used, which this font is called 'Norse Regular'. As you can see it is long and narrow font, which it is in capital letters. We automatically decided that the title should be in capitals as it would follow the conventions of a horror genre trailer. However, this font to me suggests a roman like theme, due to the ends of the letters being thicker than the rest of the lettering. The 'R' definitely supports my interpretation as they used to write by only using lines. This therefore would not be ideal for our trailer as we do not want to confuse our target audience on what genre our film is. Also this would probably also disrupt the continuity of the trailer, poster and magazine as they would contrast from each other too much.
 This font is called 'PWJazzy Font' of which we found on another website. This can come across in different ways; such as it could be used for a romantic film as its like someone's written this font by hand. On the other hand, if we edited this, by adding slight texture within the lettering, it could come acriss as if someone scribbled it rapidly. This would therefore suggest panic or even someone trying to escape, which would be ideal for our horror trailer. However, this font would be even better if it was bolder so it would stand out from the background of shots as the narrowness of the lettering could blend in with sections of the font, especially as there will be shots within woods.
This third typeface suggests a sci fi genre, due to the right angled corners and boldness of the lettering. This links to sci fi as you can imagine seeing this on a wall of a alien spaceship, which you have probably seen in films. The feature which I like about this font is the scratched away texture which suggests that something has been trying to scratch it away or even that its worn away. However, the first letter is the only small letter of which I dislike as all titles should start with a capital letter, or all the letter in the same case.
Typeface 4 automatically suggests a genre of romance due to the swirly writing as you can through the letter 'E'. This could cause confusion with the audience, therefore disrupting the trailer we spent a long time to produce. Although it would not be effective for our trailer it would better for film genre such as romance or rom-com's. A positive to this font is that the boldness would allow it to stand out from the background therefore easy t read and see.
This typeface is called 'Yu Mincho Demibold', and is a simplistic font. Although simplistic, it is also effective as we could edit it to create an eerie atmosphere. Due to the simplistic feature of this font it, it is ideal to undergo editing, as we could combine the texture element from typeface 3.
This is the final typeface which we kept coming across when searching for horror fonts. As you can see this is a very stereotypically font for halloween, due to the dripping effect which connotes to blood and gore. This is not effective as it would make our film trailer, magazine and poster come across tacky and immature, due to this dripping effect. This therefore would not be ideal for our products as we want to them to be professional and suitable for our target audience, 15- 24 year olds.
From this research, I believe the simplistic type face 4 is ideal for our production as we can easily edit the font into something more eerie, but still simplistic. See blog of producing our font, which will explain how we edit our font into our desirable image.

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