Tuesday 6 January 2015

Influences on our film production

There have been many influences and inspiration, which has aided us into making our theatrical trailer in this certain way. Through extensive research involving analysing trailers from various genres, watching horror films, seeing behind the scene exclusives, we have decided  that our theatrical trailer was going to be a horror. this research phase was one of the important elements into directing what path our film trailer should go.
The concept of our idea; a group of friends within a wood, camping, came from many influences primarily from horror films. Friday 13th is one of the main influences due to the appearance of the antagonist wearing a gas mask and the primary location of where the film is set, in a wood. We develop this idea by making the antagonist more relatable and realistic, by the use of mise en scene, through clothes. We achieved this by using black hoodies, and trousers, which connotes to evil and death, but using such an everyday piece of clothing makes the audience feel as it could be anyone. We decided our antagonist should wear a gas mask similar to the one used in 'Friday 13th', as it hides their identity which would create an enigma but also add the scare factor for the audience as they do not who it is behind the mask. When using this gas mask we would add diegetic music of  someone heavily breathing, which could become the iconic sound for our film, as when you hear it, you know the antagonist is around. We decided to use a location similar to 'Friday 13th' film as the woods is also very relatable; therefore would make the audience feel frightened whenever they go into a forest or wood after seeing this film. We also chose a wood as there lots of scary places which we could film, which we discovered through our research and planing stage.
Another influence was the film 'The Strangers', which is where three antagonist victimise a young couple. We used the idea of having three antagonists as it creates a sense of no way out, so 'unescapable'. It also means that we could use different masks for each antagonist meaning they have their own identity, which could possibly link to the type of weapon they use as well. Have numerous numbers of antagonists would create an eerie atmosphere as they could come across as a family- scary. This film, 'The Strangers', also builds lots of tension by using many meduim and long shots, with the antagonist's hiding in the background. We have decided to use a similar technique as it would make the audience want the protagonist to look behind them, therefore making them feel on edge and unnerved.
Our protagonist's was inspired by horror films such as 'The Cabin in the Woods' and 'Scream'. This is because both of these films involve using a group of protagonist's which are getting hunted down the murderous antagonists. Having a large group of protagonists would enable there to be lot of suspense and tension due to many murders occurring; which follows the conventions of a horror film. Some of the protagonists also wore white clothing within these films, which connotes to innocence and purity. This inspired us to have some of our protagonist's within the film trailer to wear white as it would make the audience sympathise with the characters. These films also have mixed gender groups, which we decided to do aswell. This is because it would make it more realistic and relatable as a group of friends does not always involve just boys or just girls. It also makes it relatable as both male and female can relate to both gender of characters. 

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