Tuesday 6 January 2015

Script for trailer

Cast in car

1 - Establishing shot [2/3 seconds]

2 slow/ long shots showing the car from the outside (Diegetic sound of pop music) [1/2 seconds]

(Sound bridge)

3 - Mid shot of characters laughing, looking happy and having fun, breaking alcohol (stereotypical view). (fast paste shots) [5/6 seconds]

Mandy - "They'll be there when we arrive right?"

Pandey - "yeah"

4- Black fade out transition Titles [From the makers of The Woods and Intrusion]

Black fade in transition- car turning into location, (long/medium deep focus shot) revealing the name of the camp site location (black fade out transition) 

 - (Fade in transition) Match on action of character getting out of car and looking at the area (only 2-3 seconds duration). (Music stops suddenly) [2 seconds] (Then fades out)

Arrive in woods

5 - Bags drop on floor - loud thump (big effect on audience) [1 second]

6 - shots of them laughing, sitting around a camp fire, drinking and laughing. [4/5 seconds]

7 - Black transition. [8/9 seconds]

- Diegetic sound bridge of antagonist on phone. Complete black screen (creates enigma)

Voice on phone: “Help me... someone... Help me (panting crying whimpering voice)"

Mandy: “Jack, what's happening... where you are?" (Concerned voice)

Voice on phone: “Help me...  (Heavily breathing, muffled) ...please someone ... help me, they're coming"

Mandy - " Where are you!?" (Panicking voice)" Who's coming?" (Panicked voice)

Voice on phone - (gasp)”They’re here” (Panicked voice) scream... 

Phone Cuts off (dial tone) (Black transition lasts for 2-3 second for suspense)

-Diegetic sound of heavy breathing through gas mask

Fast pace editing begins:

Light behind three antagonists flashes on screen, revealing silhouette of them. 

Shots of people getting dragged, hiding behind trees, screaming, axe hitting against things, knife dragged against the wall. All these shots fastening up so fast the screen goes black. 

Diegetic noise of a lighter flicking- Girl appears, flame goes out.
Diegetic noise of the lighter flicking again, girl appears but closer as the camera is continuing zooming inwards and towards the girl. Flame goes out 
Diegetic noise of the lighter again, close up of girl face, flame stays light, and girl looks to the left. While she does that, gas mask antagonist face is revealed behind. Diegetic sound of the flame being blown out. As this happens screen goes black. 

Title of film fades on to black background 'Betrayal' 

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