Saturday 7 February 2015

Institution- WMJC Production

This is our final institution we are using for our theatrical trailer. As you can see we have used a 'Vignette' effect on the out edge of the screen, which creates a eerie daunting atmosphere due to the black shadows created. This makes the institution effective, especially for a film with the genre of horror.
As you can see, from the comparison with our AS level institution, we have changed the image, animation and the name. The name is due to having an additional person who joined MJC Productions', therefore we thought it was only right to add her to the institution. The means that the institution stands for: 'Welsh, Marskell, Jones, Clark Productions'; emphasising how we are a team.
We also changed the image from clouds to icy mountains. This was to make the institution appear more eerie, which would suit a genre of horror more effectively. From our research into trailers, we discovered that horror institution were repeated dark, which is why we changed the image into something which connotes to more danger and eeriness. We also changed the typeface we used, which is due to following conventions of a horror as they usually use bolder and white coloured font. This institution was also made by us, which involved finding the image of the mountains, adding the vignette effect and adding thr animation for the font. This didn't take to long as we used Adobe Premiere to do this section, as it provided us with all the resources needed to achieve this. We added the stars to act like a rating, which we though looked fairly professional. This institution will be within and during a our trailer, so the audience would know who made this trailer and therefore increase popularity of our company and the film.

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