Sunday 15 February 2015

Soundtrack production

To make our soundtrack more unique and special we have decided to create our own music. The sound will be created using a ukulele and will be played by Charlotte C's brother. Making our own sound track comes with both benefits and disadvantages. The benefits mean that we are able to base our music on our plot, but making it also means that we need to right the music but also organised the time to make and edit it. The main reason we want to create our music is so that it works well with the pace of the trailer. This means we are able to finish the trailer without the music then base the music around the pace of the clips on the trailer ,if we hadn't made our own we would find it hard to find music that would match the trailer well. We are planning to make the soundtrack so it has a variation in speeds and pitch's to create tension.

Not only will we have a creepy soundtrack we are also planning to start our trailer with a typical teenage pop song. This music will be played by the protagonists, therefore is diegetic music, and will be put on over clips of the teenagers driving to the common, this will reflect their excitement and eagerness for the days ahead.

The juxtaposition between the two types of music will also put an emphasis on how they were feeling before and what's going to happen to them. It help to make the trailer more interesting and not bland.

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