Wednesday 22 October 2014

Director Interview- Hitchcock

Everyone knows who Alfred Hitchcock is! He is one of the most talked about director and writer of horrors of all time. He has created the horror classics, consisting of 'The Birds', 'Psycho' and 'Shadow of a Doubt'.
Hitchcock believes that that directors should understand the psychology of audience's. This means on understanding what the audience's are scared of and putting these fears on screen. This tells me that I should think of what scares me and other people, as it would therefore gnereate the scare factor to our trailer. This may be a good effective question to put on the questionnaire.
Hitchcock also mentions that directors need    know 'audience love to enjoy the very thing they have brought in'. This means that the production should be something they love from this sort of genre, therefore the love of fear. This therefore tells me that our horror trailer needs to suit the target audience and exceed on their expectations. This means involving horrifying events within the trailer, which would therefore entice the audience to watch the film.
Hitchcock film ''Psycho' was one of the classics he directed, in which involves 'Anthony Perkins' who works at a motel. He says that 'the horror element comes to you after the film, when you're in the dark'. This suggests that his horrors are very realistic as the scare factor would only effect you when you are on your own or in an everyday life situation. This tells me that our production should be realistic enough so that audience would feel scared even after watching our film, therefore making the scare elements relatable.

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