Wednesday 22 October 2014

Target Audience Research- The Possession

This film has the stereotypical results of whihc a horror film target audience should consist of. The age statics show that 15-24 year olds watch this film, which obviously means the certificate was 15 as that is the lowest age that an individual could watch the film. This is the stereotypical age group horror films focus at as this opens up a wide target audience therefore more popularity for the film. Ages after this target audience, shows them decreasing which is stereotypical as the older an individual the more mature and intellectual they are, therefore, stereotypically horrors do not appeal to them as they believe they are not realistic.

The gender results are very similar, with 51% male and 49% female. This is very balanced, which could be due to the release date being during the summer holidays, therefore mainly 15-24 year old going to watch the film, singularly or as a couple (due to the percentage being very similar). This could be due to film involving both protagonists being one male and female, therefore both genders being able to associate themselves with the characters. This may be good information for our trailer as if we make our trailer appeal to both genders it may increase the popularity of the film as it is a broader target audience.

The C1 class was the highest proportion of the audience with a percentage of 37. The C1 category of class is the lower middle class, so in full employment. This could have been the highest out of the classes due to them wanting to escape reality and therefore watching the film as they provide this. It also links to the target age audience as 15-24 year olds have jobs at this age. The DE class also has a high percentage due to them having vast amounts of leisure time due to not being employed and the release date being in the summer holidays.

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