Wednesday 22 October 2014

Target Audience Research - Deliver us From Evil (2014)

Pearl and Dean is a film website, which tells you when all genre of films are being released, data and information about past films and even comparable information and statics between other similar films. This will allow me to see how successful other the film was and to see the type of audience they aimed and therefore gained; as they record the age, gender and class of the audience.
These are the results and statics from the horror film, 'Deliver us From Evil'. As you can see there are zero percentages between the ages of 4 - 14. This tells me that their target audience's age was aimed at 15 years and older, therefore having a certificate at 15. Having it as a certificate 15, it means the film has a broad target audience. This means that film will become popular as there are more people who can watch the film. As you can 50% were between the age of 15-24, which suggests they were the main target audience for this film. This gives me an insight of what age group our film trailer should be aimed at.
The gender statics show that the film was favoured by males than female as there were 52% males and 48% females. This conforms to the stereotypical target audience for a horror. These results may have resulted in this way due to there being blood and gore within the film. These feature automatically attract a male audience as these elements are what appeals to them. This could also be due to the main protagonist being a male, therefore the male audience would be able to associate themselves more with his character than females.
The class results are very similar ranging from 20% - 30%. This is unusual as stereotypically AB are very low as this genre is not to their taste. However as you can see this class group was second highest. This could be due to there being a thriller aspect to the film, which could of attracted them. Having such similar results to each other on this class statics, suggest that this film was aimed at all types of people, no matter age or status. This would ideal for us to achieve as it would broaden our popularity of the film and therefore increase profit and grossing costs.

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