Wednesday 22 October 2014

Editing Technique

Flash Cutting= Editing sequences where the shots duration is short and brief. Used to build tension and suspense for scene. This editing technique is also called a 'Short Cut'.

Subliminal Cut= Where a few frames zoom past so fast that the audience is only subconsciously aware of them. 

Cross Cutting = This is where you are cutting back and forth between two or more lines of action, which suggests these are occurring at the same time. 

Eyeline Match= Editing technique in which the eye-line path between characters are matched. 

Jump Cut=  A cut in which disrupts the continuity of as it leaves certain parts out, therefore creating enigma's. 

Seamless Editing=  This is editing which is so fluent that the audience do not know that they were different cuts. 

Shot reverse shot=  This editing technique involves using a selection of over the shoulder shots, which imitates a conversation commencing between character's. 

Sequence shot= One continuous shot which does not involve any cutting or editing of other shots into the frame. 

Match Cutting= Metaphorically  linking two shot together, which is between different people, oject or location. This used to keep the continuity of the production, therefore avoid disruption to the atmosphere. 

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