Wednesday 22 October 2014

Director Interview- Martin Scorsese

Michael Scorsese has directed and written many films throughout his life and has been part of the movement of film industry.
From this interview it has told me that the films and visual literacy is the directors,the writer and cinematographer way to broadcast their thoughts onto screen. This means we are seeing what these film maker's see through their eyes. For our trailer, it tells me we shouldn't just follow the crowd of which of which horror stereotypically do. It suggests that we should make a production through our eyes, on what people really want to see.
He also says how important ti is to portray the message you set out to explain. This is when he says that the different use of camera shots and lens are important to portray the correct message you aim to present. For example a wide lens is to stretch out the frame creating a distorted effect, or a crushed lens creating a flat effect. These all would portray a different story, which would transfer to the audiences eyes.
This interview provides me with lots of information on how to portray it to my target audience. It is vital to plan out what camera shots will be used and how this would affect the audience, especially trying to achieve the response I set out to accomplish.

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