Wednesday 10 September 2014

Empire magazine analysis- The Shining

The ShiningThis magazine cover is very similar to the previous analysis of 'The Silence of the Lambs' due to the layout and the main image used. The skyline states 'The 500 Greatest movies of all time', which is the same as the previous analysis, which suggest this is a series of covers which are part of the 500. Having this at the top of the cover would attract the audience as they would want to know the 500 movies. Having the font white also allows the skyline to stand out from the black background, therefore they contrast.
The masthead 'Empire' is again in its iconic font making the magazine recognisable automatically. The font is also red which connotes importunacy and urgency which could suggest that there are important films and information within the magazine. This colour also allows it to stand out from the background making the masthead more eye-catching.
This magazine, similar to the 'Silence of the Lambs', has a black background which acts as a border around the main image and masthead. This black background makes the magazine appear to be neat and well edited as it holds the magazine cover together.
The main image is of course the man who's forcing his face between a doors. The use of having what looks like a broken door suggests that this man has forced his way through, maybe chasing someone. This could suggest that the genre is a horror or thriller due to the breaking of the door, but also it is reinforced by the slogan used. The expression on the man face could connote many things, for example, he could be angry by the way he is showing his teeth. It also creates an unnerving atmosphere as he looks like he's grinning due to his eager eyes, which could give an insight to his character as being crazy. The character in the main image is an iconic horror antagonist 'Johnny', who is played by a well-known actor called Jack Nicholson. Having such a well-known actor as the front cover, is a unique selling point as his fans would go and see the film and also buy the magazine, because of him. Having such an iconic character and actor as the main character would attract the audience as the fans for this actor would buy this because of him.
The puff is present to attract the audience to buy the magazine as they gain something worth wanting. In this case it is 100 covers of 'Empire' magazine, which all film fans would find appealing as there will be many different ones. Having used a white background allows this puff to stand out from the black background, meaning it grabs the attention of the audience even more.
The title of the film 'The Shining' is in bold bubble writing like font, which allows it to contrast from the background even more. The font and colour is the same as the font used for 'The Silence of the Lambs' which I have analysed previously. This suggest that this could be within a series of older films. Having the musty brown colour creates an eerie atmosphere which makes the character even more unnerving.
The slogan or saying from the film is printed in black next to the man's face. This phrase says 'I'm not gonna hurt ya, I just want to bash your brains in'. This reinforces that the film is a horror, more so a physiological horror, due to the pain this man wants to put the protagonist through. I think this is very effective as creates an enigma on who he is saying to but also tells the audience what kind of genre it is.

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