Monday 1 September 2014

Poster analysis- Deliver us from Evil

Deliver Us From Evil (2014)
This poster is very cleverly formatted as you can see from the title at the top of the poster. The title of the film is ' Deliver us from Evil' which automatically says that the film is a horror. Due to the layout of the title and the 'D' being a capital letter, makes  the title also reads the word 'Devil', which from just that, makes you know that the film involves demonic activities which are very frightening as we can not prove this exists. The font is also white, which creates a sense of fear as the title is texture as if it has been worn away. Above the title are the names of the most famous actor within the production, which would a be selling point as fans of these actors would want to go and see it. At the header of the page is a sentence which says that this film was inspired by actual events, which makes the audience associate with the film as this could happen to them. However as this is fairly small font it means that it may not be as important information as other parts present on the poster. The slogan says ' You haven't seen true evil ', suggesting that this is going to be the most horrifying horror film you've seen, which gives horror fans hope that they will get an adrenaline rush from it.
The man bending over in a chair is one of the main focal points of the poster due to the use of lighting and mise en scene. The lighting illuminates the character, portraying him as innocent, which create an enigma of why is an innocent man being kept like this? This innocence is supported by the use of clothing as its white, which connotes to innocence and purity. The piece of clothing the person is wearing looks as though it is a strait jacket, implying he is crazy and needs to be kept under control, as you wouldn't want to be around him if he's not wearing it. However this contradicts with the use of lighting and the colour of the jacket as they symbolise innocence, therefore creating many enigmas; who he is, where he is, and why him? If you look at the his skin you can see that there are deep cuts on the back of his neck, suggesting he is being tortured; or to a certain extent the scratches look similar to the writing on the floor of the room. The man is also wearing denim jeans which suggest he may have been taken from his everyday lifestyle as patients in an asylum always wear uniforms, which are the same as each other. Furthermore, the high angled shot allows us to see the whole location, but most of all it makes the character seem small and less superior, making us feel sympathetic for them, more so for the man than the long haired lady. This shot also creates a sense that someone, in this case the antagonist, is watching over these people, creating a further enigma of who? This high angled shot also allows us to see the other character, which is crawling on her knees towards the camera of this picture, making you feel unnerved by her. As she is facing you, it creates a sense that she is looking at you and is coming for you, scary! The lady is also hold a ring full of keys, firstly suggesting she may be guarding the person with her or that she has been isolated from humanity so long that she acts like some sort of animal. How her body is contorted makes are seem unnatural and frightening, implying she could be a scare factor within the film. You can also see that there are strange markings on the floor which are not English, suggesting it is either a different language or a language of the evil. Having this in the centre in of the poster implicates that these markings could have significance within the film. The lighting used in the poster only illuminates the character on the left, therefore decreasing the visibility around the rest of the location, making the audience more intrigued in where they are.

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