Wednesday 24 September 2014

Scream magazine analysis- Evil Dead

Evil Dead
Sometimes magazines do not focus on one particular film but instead they have many, which this magazine is a great example of. This magazine is called 'Scream' (the mast head of the magazine), which automatically expresses the genre of the magazine being mainly dominated by horror films. The use of the font is very childish, due to the red dripping effect used upon it. When looking at the whole magazine it comes across very childlike which contradicts with the target audience it is aiming at- older audiences due to it being horror. The font used and the phrase ' blood, guts, gore and more' is very cringey and would make the majority of people to purchase an 'Empire' magazine of the shelf. However, the use of the main image would attract some horror fans as they would be wondering who this girl is and what is she doing. Stereotypically, the main image is usually the main focal point of the cover, but in this case it is not. This is due to the overwhelming amount of information on the cover. However, the use of mise en scene if make-up makes the girl seem dirty and something you don't want to mess with. The low angled shot makes the character seem as though she is coming out of the ground, connoting that she may be coming from hell... The low angled shot is also a close up which means you cannot see much therefore giving little insight about the character and the location of the film. This could increase the curiosity of the audience. 
The taglines/ sell lines are very large compared to many other magazine covers I have analysed. Within this cover they are very overpowering which makes it hard to focus on one element of the cover. This, to me, makes it unappealing and unattractive as there is so much going on, therefore making the audience pick up another magazine instead of this one. There is no unique selling point of this magazine which would make the audience not purchase the magazine. The sell lines involves actors which are not very well known compared to others. This could work as a disadvantage and an advantage. The advantage is that it may make the audience want to read the magazine to find out more about them. But more likely it would act as a disadvantage as the audience wouldn't know them they wouldn't have much care for them. 
This magazine has a clear target audience, the horror fan base, through the use of the dripping red font connoting blood, and the use of the cover being dominated by horror films and phrases. This magazine therefore isolates a large portion of the public as it only appeals to the horror fans and male audiences due to the dark colour scheme. This is slightly odd as many people think girls buy a lot of magazines. However, as this magazine is a horror one, the colour scheme is perfect as the colours are dark and nearly all the colours compliment them. 
The title of the film 'Evil dead' is the nearly as big as the mast head of the magazine which is fairly odd as the mast head tells the audience what magazine it is. The font style used is sharp and jaggered, which subverts the stereotypical style of font which horrors use as they are traditionally simple and similar to roman Arial. This font makes the film seem as though it is more action than a horror due to the slanted letters and the hand reaching up. 

The puff in this magazine is the 'Exclusive interviews'. This would attract the audience as they are exclusive to this magazine. 

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