Monday 1 September 2014

Poster analysis- A Nightmare on Elm Street

A Nightmare on Elm Street (2010)
The dominant colours within this poster is red and black, which both connote death, evil, blood and despair, which these are the conventions of a horror film. This low angled shot makes the audience feel sympathetic for the girl in the foreground as the figure behind her is standing behind, as he is overpowering her and is seen as more superior than her. The expression on the girl face, revealed by red lighting, shows she is scared and frightened, however it look slightly vacant implying she is unaware of what horrors stand behind her. Using the red lighting suggest she has been taken to the evil side, suggesting she has no escape from the grasp behind her. The use of the black clothing (mise en scene) connotes that she has been taken over by the evilness surrounding, further making the audience feel sorry for her as she is at his mercy. The shadow casting over her and furthermore emphasises the power the figure has over the girl. However the casting shadow could be mistaken for a puddle of blood surrounding the girl, implicating the girl is already dead. Due to the light the figure does not show any expression, therefore giving the audience no insight of the character, creating an enigma. We are to believe this is the antagonist of the film due to the sharp claw like glove glistening in the light, implying this is the weapon he uses for killing people, conventions of a horror. The body language and pose the antagonist has shows his dominance suggesting he has a main feature in the film. The only two pieces of clothing we can visibly see is the clawed glove and the hat. The hat look as though it is covering his identity, which suggests that he wants to his identify sealed from everyone except his victims.
The location doesn't give any hints of where the film is set, however, having used a narrow corridor, it suggest that the girl has no way to escape. The slogan, however, gives us an insight of the location, 'He knows where you sleep'. This suggests that the location of the film is mostly based in the dreams, but of who?
The title is in large, red simple font which takes up a large portion of the foot of the poster. The red connotes death and blood, implying that there will be a lot of blood split in this film. In nowadays a lot of the time the font is white for horrors, as it creates an eerie and spooky effect, so this colour subverts to the conventions of a horror film in nowadays. Having the format of the font larger than the rest of the title, implies that this film would give you nightmare, or on the other hand, this man only comes in his dreams, which this theory is supported by the slogan of the film. The rest of the font is in white font which conforms with the stereotypical font which horrors nowadays use today. This allows the font to stand out from the black background, but also creates an eerie effect.

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