Wednesday 24 September 2014

Entertainment magazine analysis- The Hobbit

The Hobbit
The main image is one of the main characters within the million pound profiting franchise, 'The Hobbit'. Even though the main image is not directly in the middle, due the lighting, camera shot and placement of the text, allows this to be the main focal point of the magazine. The medium shot used allows the audience to see clothing (mise en scene) of the character, which determines the time of which the film is set. The use of the sword tells that the genre is an action adventure, fantasy as weapons are the conventions of these films. We can tell that the genre is fantasy through the use of the clothes and the appearance of the character. The lighting used in this medium shot illuminates the sword and the characters face, symbolising the powerfulness and dominance this character has within the film (symbolic code). Another symbolic code in this magazine cover is that having only one character on the cover implicates that he is one of the dominating characters of the film. The actor who plays 'Thorin' is Richard Armitage, which could be a unique selling point especially as he is very famous in the United Kingdom, therefore a larger fan base. The darkness and patterns of the clothes creates a sort of medieval atmosphere which would imply that this film is set in a different time we are in. The body language and facial expression of the character creates an enigma as he seems very frightened of what he is staring at.
The mast head is fairly hard to see due to the dominating character being edited over it. This suggests that the magazine is so popular that the audience doesn't need to see the mast head clearly. Compared to other 'Entertainment' magazine the font is usually white, however, this time the font is golden. This golden colour compliments with the dark eerie colour scheme. The colour gold connotes preciousness, royalty and high status, which suggests that the film are these connotations but also that the magazine is very popular and precious.
Above the mast head is the skyline, which explains what the contents holds within the magazine. Having said 'Movies', 'Books', 'Music', and 'TV', opens the target audience of the magazine wide open as this would appeal to all these audiences, even though the magazine cover is heavily dominated by 'The Hobbit' film. The font used is thin but large which would makes it easy to read, especially having it at the top of the magazine.
The anchorage text is used to bring back the fans from the franchise 'Lord of the Rings', due to the phrase 'Return of the Ring', being used. Having used this phrase could be seen as a USP the film within the main image associated to one of the biggest profiting franchise in the film industry. This would therefore bring the fan base from 'Lord of the Rings' and 'The Hobbit' together. The font used is the same as the font used for the skyline but slightly bigger and bolder, which keeps continuity of the cover. Having this slightly bigger and in yellow fonts suggests that this information is important. However, the brightness of the yellow slightly disrupts the colour scheme as it very bright in comparison to the rest of the colour used in the cover.

A puff is used to attract the audience to buy the magazine, especially when they are exclusive. The puff used here is 'First look at the next film'. This makes the audience want to purchase the magazine as they would like to see the 'First' glimpse of the film.

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