Monday 1 September 2014

Poster analysis- The Strangers

The Strangers (2008)
The picture has very many enigmas which makes the audience feel uncomfortable and unnerving. First the long shot allows us to see the whole room and the location of the film, a household. A household is seen as being a safe haven, a place to feel safe and relaxed, away from troubles happening around; however you can see this isn't a safe place to be. Firstly you can see a lady standing on her own in the middle of the room, portraying her as being the main character of the film. The way she is standing reveals that she is very tensed and on edge, emphasising her fearfulness she has within her and on her face. Although she has a sad expression on her face, it creates an enigma on what she's scared about, as what you should expect her to be frightened of is the person standing behind her. The use of clothing subverts the stereotypical clothes which usually are wore by the protagonist as she is wearing a checkered shirt and jeans, which could make it even more relatable as she is wearing very ordinary clothes. However the lighting in the picture makes the lady seem innocent as the light is on her and shadowing the other character who's standing in the shadows. The character in the background is very unnerving and is automatically seen as being the antagonist. The use of the mask shows that the character doesn't want his identity to be known, but having this mask increase the tension and horror as we do not know who the intruder is, another enigma. The use of a brown suit suggests that the character could be anyone as they are wearing everyday clothing, which makes it increasingly terrifying. Having the character in the background and in the shadows suggests that they are evil as they are surrounded in darkness.
The slogan used 'We tell ourselves that there's nothing to fear, but sometimes we're wrong', emphasises that we are not safe anywhere, which would the audience feel very uneasy about their homes everything they do. This font is also in a worn colour font suggesting that it might have happened a long time ago. In comparison, the title is in lower cases and has blurred edges, which makes it seem very eerie and disturbing. The lower case letter subverts to the convention of a poster as usually there is at least one capital letter within the title, which would make this film stand out. Underneath the title is the words 'Based on true events', which makes the whole film more relatable as this phrase suggests that this could happen to the audience. Also above the title are the names of the actors which would make the audience know who was in it, this could even be classed as a unique selling point, as people who like these actors would then go to see the film... if they dared...

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