Saturday 13 September 2014

Entertainment magazine analysis- Divergent

DivergentThe skyline of the magazine contains a look of information, not only for the film but for other news. Having input other news such as music news, could also attract other audience into purchasing this magazine, therefore making more money. This skyline isn't like the traditional ones as usually they are a strip across the top with only one piece of information. Using a different style skyline, it provides more knowledge but also would stand out from traditional skylines used. The use of the colours used suits the colour scheme as it does not disrupt the focal point of the main image or any other elements on the page. The font used is furthermore the same as the rest, therefore there is consist continuity within the magazine. Having used two different colours though, allows them to contrast from each other therefore making them stand out even more. The use of the red connotes urgency and importunacy, suggesting that the phrase is an important story which the audience should know or want to read.
The masthead of the magazine is in bright yellow and in bold lower case font. Having the title of the film (masthead) in lower case suggests that the yellow is what allows the title to stand out. The yellow allows the font to stand out from the background due the brightness of the yellow. The yellow connotes optimism and happiness which suggest you'd be happy to buy this magazine. However the main purpose of this yellow colour would be for the masthead to stand out from the background but also so the magazine could stand out from other magazines on the shelf.
The anchorage text used promotes the popularity of the film especially one of them, 'Is this the next Hunger Games?' Using this would attract ' The Hunger Game' fans as they would want to know what the film is about so they can judge if it is similar to the 'Hunger Games' franchise. Comparing it to this franchise suggests that the film is promising, therefore hoping more people would read this magazine and therefore watch the film. Having the 'Hunger Games' in red allows it to stand out from its surroundings and emphasises the greatness of the film. The other anchorage text could also be a puff as they say exclusive photos and report from the script are within the contents. This would attract the audience as they gain exclusive items if you purchase the magazine.
We presume the title of the film is 'Divergent' as it is place in front of the main image and is stretched across the width of the magazine. The font is thin but in capitals, which makes it stand out to the foreground. The use of white connotes innocence and purity which could suggest these character in the main image are innocent due to the placement of the title of the film.
The main image is the main focal point of the magazine as even though the image isn't directly in the centre of the picture. Due to these two people being the only characters present in the image suggests that they are the main characters and therefore the storyline is mostly based on their journey or adventure.  The use of the medium shot allows us not only see what is in the foreground, the characters, but also allows us to see the background, which appears to be a city, therefore giving us an insight of the location of the film. Having the girl also in front of the man suggests that she has more dominance over him, especially as he is looking away from here. All these messages through the image makes me realise, when it comes to me making a magazine cover I need to know how my image comes across, especially the genre of the film. The genre of this action adventure due to the use of mise en scene of the props of having knives in the girl’s pocket. This means that the magazine is aimed at the action target audience. Having the characters stand so close to each other suggests the closeness of their relationship, maybe even suggesting a romance. However due to the turned face of the man it could symbolise it couldn't work or something has happened. Having the girl making full eye contact with the audience would make the audience feel as though she is looking at them, maybe even threatening them to buy it. 

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