Monday 1 September 2014

Poster analysis- Sinister

Sinister (2012)
As you can see this film has the producers of 'Paranormal Activity' and 'Insidious' which is written in white font at the top of the poster. Having this at the top would make the audience read it as usually you read a something from left to right from the top. This would increase the popularity of the film as these films were very popular when they were released. The white also allows the font to stand out from the background, so the audience can read it. The title on the other hand is in black font, similar to the font used for 'A Nightmare on Elm Street', however this font has drip marks under the letters, making the audience feel unnerved by the title. The title itself 'Sinister', implicates evilness and that something harmful is going to happen or happened, therefore stating that the film will be a horror.
The slogan under the title says 'Once you see him, nothing can save you'; this creates an enigma as nobody knows who 'him' is. This slogan makes you feel uneasy as not knowing this enigma, it means you never know if you've seen him or not.
The background appears to be a white room where the paint is slowly cracking off. This creates an unnerving atmosphere as the dirty colour white suggests its a typical horror location. Continuing on, the main focal point of the picture is the dripping red blood on the wall, this advocates that it is a horror as they follow the conventions of a horror. In the blood you can see a horrifying face, which makes you have a closer look in case you misinterpreted the poster. This face could be associated with the slogan stating 'him'. The girl is very intriguing due to the use of mise en scene used. The girl is wearing what looks like pyjamas, which are white, which make the audience feel sympathetic for her, as white connotes innocence and youthfulness, which suggests that the girls ages is reasonably young. Also having the character blonde reinforces the innocence of the girl as stereotypically they are seen as more innocent in horror films. The characters body position is also very limp as if she is in a trance or sleep walking, which makes it hard seeing her face. As we are unable to see her identity, it suggests that she hasn't got a main part in the film. Also her hand is touching the wall with the blood on making it seem uncomfortable as someone of that age or anyone touching blood is very disturbing, enhancing the scare factor. On the floor there are old unrivaled video projector tape which suggest that they have some significant as they are in the foreground of the picture. As they are unrivaled it suggests that someone or something doesn't want anyone to see them.

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