Monday 1 September 2014

Poster analysis- Batman Trilogy

Batman Begins (2005)
This is the first of the 'Batman trilogy' where Gotham City is protected by one person only... Batman. Firstly, the font used in this poster is white, bold and simple, allowing it to stand out from the background colour. The colour white connotes purity, innocence and mercy, which could occur in the film. The font at the bottom of the poster is very small in comparison to the rest of the elements on the poster, which suggests that this information isn't as vital to the other elements on the poster. The font at the top shows the six very well known actors who are in the film, which would intrigue the audience as they may like the actors, therefore wanting to watch the film. Having them spaces out from the other information, makes their names stand out, therefore more intriguing and eye-catching. The title of the film is in white bold capital font, however the font is fairly small compared to other posters, suggesting the title isn't the main focal point. Having the font in white suggests that 'Batman' is an innocent character although he is dressed in black, which connotes with death and evilness. In between the title is the iconic Batman logo of a 'bat'. The placement of the logo allows the logo to stand out from the background and is very central, suggesting he is going to be the main character the film story line is based on.
The shot used in this poster is low angled shot, which allows us to see many elements to the poster. The low angled shot allows us to see past the main focal point, Batman, to see a city behind which we presume to be Gotham City. This suggests that the location would be set in a city like setting, which allows the audience to associate with the film as many people live in a city. The main focal point is the dark overpowering figure within the centre of the poster, Batman. The low angled shot makes the figure seem very imposing and powerful as the audience would feel that the figure is looking over you; suggesting he has lots of power or on the other hand he is looking over you, protecting you from the evil surrounding you. The use of mise en scene through the use of clothing allows us to see the iconic cape which Batman wears; intriguing comic con fans and other Batman fans. Having the lighting cast over his chest shows how strong the character is which incise a female audience, due to the strong masculine man. The lighting also casts over Batman's face revealing a mask hiding the identity of the figure, creating an enigma. The bats surrounding the figure reinforces that the figure is Batman but to some extent as they are surrounding the figure it is as if they are protecting him. Due to the large amounts of bats suggests that the figure is everywhere. The light behind him makes the figure appear as mighty and a saviour for the city behind him.

Dark knight (2008)
This poster is very intriguing and creates countless enigmas, making the audience want to watch the film. As you can see there is minimal font and writing which in my opinion is better as it makes you focus on the main picture. The writing which is on the poster is; when the film is released, the title, a slogan and the institution of the film. At the the foot of the poster on the left and right is where the institution of the film is placed, which tells the audience who made the film, for example, Liongate or Warner Brothers. This writing is in white font which slightly blends into the poster, implying that it isn't important information for the audience to know, however it may need to be on a poster. At the centre of the foot of the poster is the date of the release of the film, which would make the audience take a note of this so that they know when the film is out. Having a release date on the poster may make the audience subconsciously remember this date. The title of the film is also near the foot of the poster, suggesting this is not the focal point of the poster. In comparison with the previous poster, this one has the Batman logo behind the title, which makes the title more powerful and makes whoever the 'Dark Knight' is notorious. The title 'The Dark Knight' implies that the he his some sort of saviour or protector like a 'Knight', however the 'Dark' part suggest that he has a side which you do not want to get on the wrong side of.
The picture on poster is off a blurred figure writing the slogan of the film 'Why so serious?' This slogan is very daunting and creates an enigma of who he is saying it to. It is further daunting as the slogan is written in blood, which is a 'serious' matter as it suggests someone has been killed. The way it is has been written it creates an unnerving smile on the blurred figures face...scary! In the background of the poster is the outline of a city, which makes the audience know this is linked to the previous poster as the city was present in that one too. The background colour creates a sense of the figure standing behind glass of some sort, suggesting he is protective so he is hard to be caught. The purple connotes crazy and is sometimes associates with villains, so is he the villain in the film. Having the figure blurred suggests that they're hiding their identity creating another enigma. If you look even closer you can see that the figure has green tinge to his hair, suggesting he's crazy, and what most comic con and Batman fans will know, he is not one to 'Joker' around...

The Dark Knight Rises (2012)
This is the final Batman film of the trilogy, and therefore has a lot going on in this poster from the background to the foreground. Similar to the 'The Dark Knight', there is very limited writing, making the picture the centre of attention. However, this poster is going for a very different approach as the slogan has a bigger font than the title, suggesting that the film is that popular or the marketing campaign was that good they didn't really need to put title that big, which shows how much effort the film company put into this film. The slogan 'The Legend Ends' emphasises that this is the last of the trilogy, but with the picture in the foreground suggests is it the end of Batman? The title is in white and near the foot of the poster, suggesting that it isn't that important as the film is so iconic.
The use of the low angled shot allows us to see the foreground and background of the picture. Within the foreground is the iconic batman mask, which is broken, suggesting that 'The Bat' has been unmasked. However it creates a further enigma of where is Batman, or what has the figure in the background done to him? Having the mask broken suggest that the character himself is broken and that there is no more Batman, which creates another enigma. The rain is also symbolises despair (motif) which relates to the mask as Batman is a well loved superhero which would be missed greatly if he is hurt or worse killed. The lighting in the picture shows that there is debris surrounding the mask, implying there was violence or some sort of fight, which follows the conventions of an action film. The debris could also suggest that Batman put up a big fight but was unsuccessful with his doings. The figure in the background, due to the lighting, illuminates the sheer muscles and body language he has, emphasizing how strong the character is. Having used a low angled shot, shows how powerful  and overwhelming the character is in the background, even though he is walking away from the shot. This suggests that he is more dominant than the broken Batman we presume is gone.
Having used very dark colours, black, it connotes sadness and despair, which creates a further enigma of the film, is Batman alive or has the villains finally got their wish...

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