Thursday 20 November 2014

Actors interviews

Here are a few interviews of potential candidates which could be the actors within our film trailer. It's a good idea to interview actors so as directors, producers and cinematographers, we can not only witness their acting skills and ability, but also to see their personality. This would tell us how well they will work with other and myself, as the director of the trailer. As you can see we have only chosen a few interviews to show as we thought we should show the a few difference between actors we interviewed. These actors are all different; some more confident than other, and more innocent looking/approaching then others. This would give us a good idea of what our protagonists could look like and allows us to see if they suit the part (protagonist or antagonist). This means we can create an image of what our characters can be.
We decided to hold auditions for both genders as we believe that the trailer should be mix gender as it would be more realistic, but more relatable. It would be more relatable as it would the females can associates themselves being in the same situation as the female protagonists; therefore the males would associates themselves with the male protagonists. This means that the popularity of our trailer would hopefully be high as it appeals to both genders, a wider and broader audience.

From this process it means we can seek out the perfect actors to suit our characters, therefore making our trailer as high quality as we can.

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