Thursday 20 November 2014

Film poster Ideas, Influences and Inspiration


Our main inspiration for our film poster is this photo that we found online, its very simple however we think it makes a massive impact for our film and for the audience. The black and white filter is very simplistic but also effective, it makes the location seem more secluded and creepy but also sad at the same time. The use of the medium shot allows us to the character in the foreground, while being able to see the location of the film. The character is clearly wearing dark clothing therefore matches well with the grey backdrop. The black and white filter connotes sadness , anger and portrayal also reflecting the mood of the film. The misty gloomy background gives the impression that something could be hiding behind it and emphasises the seclusion in which the forest has, suggesting that there's no way back when you go in. The tall thin trees tower over our antagonist making him look less powerful, dominant and significant, however portraying him like this could symbolise him being able to hide around any corner. 

The basic choices of clothes connotes that the character could be a teenager therefore very naïve, also giving the audience a hint to what type of character are film is going to include. The clothes also reflects the normality of the character, suggesting that the antagonist could be anyone. The gas mask is quite a new form of disguise in horror/thriller films but is also suitable because its very accessible. The mask is also very good as it doesn't show any emotion or give a hint as to what gender the person behind it could be therefore creating tension. The tilt to the antagonists head is very subtle but effective it gives the audience the impression that they are confident and arrogant therefore intimidating.

Although we love the way the photo looks at the moment we also want to add our own twist, therefore experimenting. Of course we will take a completely new photo ,but one that is very similar, but add faded layers of similar photos on top of the original photo. We were thinking of adding photos that were the exact same photo but zoomed in , giving the illusion that the antagonist is walking towards the audience but also disappearing too. You will be able to see this through the developing stages of our poster manufacturing. 

We have decided that we want a short snappy slogan that will consist of a 3-4 word sentence or just 3-4 relatable words. Les miserable's film poster has become an influence of ours. Their slogan is short ,snappy but doesn't take centre stage on the poster. Although Les Miserable is romance musical it still has given us ideas which could come across as creepy on our poster. The use of the full stops after every word makes each of them distinct and powerful. The simplistic texts works well against the dominant picture which would also work well with our choice of photo that's all simplistic. Even though the slogan isn't in the centre of the poster the idea of having it above the film title means that people can get an idea of what the film is about before they know the name. The slogan is also in capital letters making it seem significant.

Due to our inspiration for our background picture, we have decided to have the name of the film at the top of the poster. The picture we have been inspired by has a lot of bare space which could be easily filled by the title. Even though the background is black and white we still want to go with either black or white writing, both stand out well against the light grey background and both have different meanings. With black connoting Death, power and mystery and white being associated with purity and innocence, they both go with the themes of our film. The bold, simple font from this movie poster, The Echo, means that it doesn't take notice away from the poster and means that the title speaks for its self rather than it being obvious to the audience what the film could be about. Having a detailed font can give a lot away about a movie for example if the font looked like dripping blood, then you know people will be killed.

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