Sunday 9 November 2014

Audience Representation

Audience Representation
We are planning on using mise- en-scene to make our protagonist characters to look as much like standard teenagers as we can. By doing this we will make sure we show various different stereotype of a teenager (goth, girly girl, ignorant guy, a wild one etc); this will make it easier for our target audience to relate and link their own life into the film. This makes a greater effect on the audience because it links into mundane realism. As we want to conform and subvert to the stereotype of a female teenager, we will make one of them look girly. By doing this we will have her wearing clothing which is seen as pure for example; have her wearing white/pink top. This will make her look vulnerable and will put the audience on edge whenever she is in danger as they will think she wont be able to look after herself making her look like a damsel in distress. However, the other stereotype of a girl that we will show is making her look quite rough. We could make her look 'gothic' in some way. This will make the audience assume she can look after herself better than the 'damsel in distress' This will subvert to the usual stereotypes that is shown in horror films. It will also allow the audience to compare and contrast both girls and decide initially who will get them selves in trouble first.
The male actors will be shown to be quite cocky, this will link into how most teenage boys like to show part of their persona as it makes them seem confident and some could find funny and attractive. By making sure our actors pursue this, we will need to do auditions. We want the actors to come across as quite strong and in charge, this will attract the female target audience because they will find the actors attractive not only from appearance but also how they will be seen as being the 'protector' and therefore want to see the film. The clothing we are planning to dress the male actors in is just casual clothes. For example just a plain black hoodie with black/blue jeans. This is what a lot of male teenagers tend to wear which allows it to be more realistic towards to audience. 
This picture to the right is what we hope to use for one of our antagonists. Through the research we have seen that the audience find it more frightening when the antagonists are seen as normal as any other human being. This means that we would want to feature this fear into our cinematic production. We will achieve this by making the antagonist wear normal clothes such as denim jeans and an oversized hoodie, due to the normality of these clothes but also it does not give their gender away. We will also give our antagonist a mask, for example, a gas mask, to hide their identity but also would imply an indication of a back story to this character. 

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