Thursday 20 November 2014

Soundtrack research- Screams sound effects

For our theatrical trailer we need music, diegetic and non-diegetic music which compliments what we capture within our shots. This means we have to research into the soundtrack in lots of depth as we don't want music which takes the audience away from the trailer, we want them to lose themselves when wathcing this. This blog is about finding the right scream for our trailer, so we have an idea of what scream we can produce when making our own music. 

Scream #1 
This scream was the first one I researched. This could be ideal for our horror film trailer as it can be edited in during our fast pace editing as it would reinforce the tension filled horrifying atmosphere we want to create at the end of the trailer. This scream is powerful and emphasises how frightened or in pain she is due to the strain of her voice. This tells me when producing our diegetic music, if we use a scream it should have feeling within it, so it would make the trailer seem realistic, therefore the audience actually believe this could happen to them. 

Scream #2
This is scream 2 which is a group of children screaming. This would not be ideal for our trailer as it comes across tacky and more suitable for a comedy. However, it may have been suitable for a demonic horror film as if the pitch and the tones were altered into a higher pitch it would create an unnerving noise, which does not sound human. We could create something similar to this, by using older voices which would provide us a deeper tone, as they are young adults. However, due to the  plot we have for our trailer this is not suitable for our trailer, therefore we would not produce something like this. 

Scream #3
This scream is very effective due to the scream building up in power and anger. This create many images, such as, him realising the pain he's in or it could come across as if he is going mad. This scream may be good within the fast pace editing at the end of the trailer as when the shots increase in speed, this scream can be editing over, revealing the last shot of him finally screaming. Due to the effectiveness of this scream we may create one similar to include within our production. 

Scream #4

This is one of the most effective screams I found during researchign scream sound effects. This is effective because there is an undertone of a squelching of what we presume to be is flesh which would be ideal for our trailer as it is a horror therefore following the conventions of this genre. THis tells me when we are producing sound effects for the diegetic music, we should involve more than one effect. 

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