Thursday 6 November 2014

Props Research- Antagonist

Props research- antagonist weapons in films

Freddie Kruger- The knife claw
This is the prop which is used as a weapon in ‘A nightmare on Elm Street’. As you can see the clawed glove consists of four blades which are curved. Having numerous blades makes the weapon terrifying especially when the blade sharpen next to each other, as the noise they create is frightening. The brown leather glove makes the glove look old and ancient, suggesting that the antagonist has used this crop numerous of times. This prop could be effective as we could use a prop similar to this, as we can have close up shots of where the blades shine in the light.

My Bloody Valentine- Pickaxe
This prop is used in the film ‘My Bloody Valentine’, which the antagonist uses on his victims. This is an item we could use as in public it wouldn’t
scare people, in comparison if we brought the glove with us. This, however, doesn’t come across as scary which we would like to have, meaning this may not be the best prop we can base our antagonist murder weapon on.

Friday 13th

This is the prop which is carried by the antagonist ‘Jason Voorhees’. This, as you can see, is a machete, which is a very violent weapon to have due to the length and sharpness of the blade. This is a very effective prop to use as no one would want to ever be chased by someone carrying this. However, as it is a very dangerous prop, if we used something similar like this; it means we would have to make or find a plastic one, so it looks the same as a real one but is completely fake. 

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