Thursday 6 November 2014

Early Location Research

Early research into locations

The main place we want our plot to be set in is a common/campsite this will be where the protagonist and antagonist will meet. This will be a good place to set a horror film because it’s normally very shaded therefore making the area dark and gloomy, it’s also creepy due to the shadows the trees cast over its surroundings . Stereotypically horror films are set in areas such as this because they are normally very isolated and secluded where crimes are able to take place. They are also stereotypically used as it’s such an everyday place to go, which makes the production even more horrifying as the audience would feel like this could happen to them. We will be looking out for a small piece of open space where our protagonists could set up their camp but also far enough into the forest that it frightens the audience due to the seclusion of the environment. The area will have to be shaded enough by trees to make the area darker rather than letting lots of light in. Most of the leaves on the trees will be dead this could mirror the essence and mood of the film, an area that feels dead. Later on in the trailer when the protagonists are trying to get away from the antagonists they will be further into the common where the trees are more densely packed ,this would make the film more scary because it’s a good hiding place, the tree roots could also become a danger to the protagonist by tripping over them whilst trying to run a way- a very stereotypical way the protagonists are caught!

Journey – Country Lanes
The beginning of the trailer will show a members of the group of friends travelling to the campsite/forest down some small country lanes. These roads normally come across as dangerous and could build up suspense and could give the audience the impression that something bad is going to happen to the group, due to the uncertainty of what is round the sharp corners. They could encounter some dangerous drivers down these roads and make the audience think that’s how they will get killed. As these country lanes may be used at the begin of the trailer, this location will be portrayed as happy and relaxed as we want to gradually build up the tension, meaning it begins happy and then ends in a climax horror. 

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