Wednesday 26 November 2014

Magazine research- Font Styles

Magazine Font Styles
This 'Scream' magazine has gone with the conventional red colour approach of which the masthead is. This is a conventional colour for horror films as the red connotes to anger, blood, murder and evil, which send subconscious messages to the audience, letting them know that it is a horror magazine.
The masthead of the magazine, 'Scream', has a dripping effect, which creates a illusion that the title is dripping like blood. This conforms to the convention of the horror genre, as gore and blood are the conventions of this genre. It will attract audience who are into gruesome horror films as the masthead suggests this. Although it is a conventional title, it mkaes the magazine appear tacky and childish as compared to other magazine font like 'Entertainment', which are modern and simplistic, which appeals to all ages. This tells me when I do my magazine I would like it to appeal to a broad audience therefore making it modern and non- tacky so it does not attract the wrong audience.

Empire magazine has gone for a similar approach as the magazine 'Scream'. This is due to adding a firey effect to the masthead. The red font associates with the characters colour and connotes to the devil's colour and hell, therefore links to the name of the film. The fire connotes to danger, hell death and anger. These all suggest what could be in the film. Haviong a black background makes the character stand out as well as the text, sell lines because the colours contrast with the black, The black also connotes to death and fear. This tells me if we have a black background it means it would contrast more colours than a white background for example.

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