Thursday 6 November 2014

Prop Research- Protagonist

Prop Research- Protagonist

I have made a collage of a variation of different props that we are planning on having our protagonists seen with in our film. This prop research is for the protagonists of the trailer, which helps us to portray the character as more realistic, believable and therefore more relatable, so the audience can associate themselves with them.

Image 1 - My first image that I have found is of a big ruck sack. This will link into mundane realism because this is what people tend to use if they are going on a camping trip because it is easy to carry and big enough to fit everything that you'll need in it. All of our characters will be shown carrying one of these to make it more realistic towards the audience.

Image 2 - I have included a picture of a tent as one of our props. This is because it is an essential item for people who want to go camping. I have made sure it was a fairly standard tent because you wouldn't expect a group of teenagers to have a posh big tent. It is also similar to the tent we have already and are planning on using.

Image 3 - Image three is of a torch. This is an essential item to have on you whilst camping as you have no other source of light.  It will also help make some of our shots build up tension and come across creepy towards the audience because as we are planning on filming just before it gets dark, the light will stand out. This light from the torch would also act like a back light, which would only provide minimal vision for the characters and audience, and therefore increase tension and suspense. We can use it in our POV shots which will allow the audience to focus on a particular thing.

Image 4 - I have got a picture of a car as we are planning on having our opening shot of the group of friends in a car. They will be driving to the campsite. This makes it more realistic and relatable to the target audience. It will make us be able to show the audience that they are quite silly and careless. This will make them look vulnerable and follows the stereotypical view of what many people see teenagers as being.

Image 5 - I have found a picture of a map as one of our props. This will make the characters look vulnerable as it shows they do not know their way around that area. This will create suspense within the audience because it will make them think that it is likely they will get lost and fall into the deadly hands of the antagonists…

Image 6 - I have added a picture of a pen knife; this is because you would expect people that are going camping to carry one on them. Not necessarily for protection but for things like cooking. However, as the teenagers will be shown to be quite careless, showing them with a pen knife could put the audience on edge. However, when we reach the climax of the trailer, one of the protagonists could use it as a weapon for defence against the antagonists who are hunting them down.

Image 7 - I have included a picture of a lighter. This is because it would be a useful thing to have on you if you're lighting a fire for food, warmth or even for help. It is also a stereotypical item for a teenager to have on them. This is because it links into smoking which could be seen as foolish to the older generation. This is an important prop we may use for the final shot of the trailer, as this would create the final shot of what the audience will see last, therefore it needs to be memorable.

Image 8 - I have got a picture of an iPhone. This is a very common phone used by teenagers and they are known to not go anywhere without a phone on them, stereotypically. This will make the trailer more realistic, but you know horrors, would there be any signal out there in the woods…

Image 9 - This image is of alcohol; this links into teenagers being ruthless and careless as this is a stereotypical view of what teenagers get up too. It also will makes them seem more vulnerable as the influence of alcohol can make you make wrong decisions which could lead to bad consequences, very bad consequences…

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