Sunday 9 November 2014

Title for our Film Brainstorm

This was an initial name for our production of our theatrical film trailer. This could be used for our trailer as it creates numerous enigma's which would attract our target audience, 15 year old horror thriller fans. It automatically creates the question of who is getting hunted and what by, which creates a eerie haunting atmosphere due to the uncertainty's and unknowing of this enigma. The title also follows the conventions of a horror genre film as you can tell gore and death will be involved. However, if we do use this title, it may cause confusion within our audience. This is because it could be associated with action genre, for example someone getting their revenge. This is the primary disadvantage if we use this title for our trailer. 

'The Campsite'
This is another name which was mentioned in our brainstorm 'The Campsite'. Here, you can see that we were going for a simplistic and obvious name, as the primary location of the trailer would be in a campsite. The word 'the' makes the title seem bold and important in which makes the title haunting. In my opinion, this title is fairly boring and self- explanatory, which could lower the quality of our film trailer as the title doesn't provide any suspense or enigmas. 

'Campsite 31/ Pitch 13'
As you can see we came up with two similar titles for our trailer, which both involve numbers. 'Campsite 31', suggests the location of the film, in a wood or forest in the area of 31. This therefore tells the audience what you could expect from the horror film. Having both these titles involving numbers, it creates an enigma of why are these areas so important, what actually happens there? It could even create a further enigma as it could be where the murders occur or where they are based... The down fall to these names is that they suggest a sci fi genre which would cause confusion, which we strongly do not want to do.

This automatically creates tension and suspense due to numerous enigmas generated from this title, 'Betrayal'. It creates enigmas such as; who has betrayed who, why, and what is going to happen if you betrayed this person... This therefore ideal for our horror trailer as we are going for a horror with a good storyline. As it creates many enigmas it would mean that people would want to go and watch it, especially if the title is reinforced by the cinematography we film. 

'Silent Scream'
This is the final initial idea of what our film trailer could be called, 'Silent Scream'. This acts as an oxymoron due to two contradicting and conflicting ideas being used to describe each other, as you do not expect a scream to be silent. This connotes that there will be be lots of screams within the film, therefore following the conventions of a horror, but these screams may not be heard or unnoticed. This therefore creates an eerie and unsettling atmosphere. The title also uses alliteration which emphasises the 'S' of the title, in which makes the title stay in the audience's mind. In my opinion this is a very effective but simple title which could be ideal for our theatrical trailer.

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