Thursday 20 November 2014

Target Audience- Profiling and stereotyping

Who would be the target audience for our media product?
Our trailer is a horror therefore we are aiming to attract teenagers and young adults, from the age of 15 to around 25 years. Having a minimum age of 15 years old allows a broad audience as if we had certificate of 18, it would exclude a large proportion of the audience for our film, which would decrease the popularity of it. This therefore means more profit for the film when our trailer is distributed. This age group stereotypically are obsessed with phones and electronic gadgets, therefore in media terminology they use hard wares with multi-platform devices. This means that the marketing campaign can target them easier as they can post trailers  and other types of advertisement of our film, on social networks and websites, such as 'Facebook', 'Twitter' and 'Instagram'. This would make our advertisement and distribution for our film through our trailer easily accessible for our target audience, therefore attracting them to watching the film.
The type of audience we will be attracting will be into a range of things. Stereotypically, they would be interested in shopping; shops such as, Topshop, Topman, River Island, Urban Outfitters, and 'Footlocker'. These are all popular shops within this age group that we are aiming for, this shows that they like to try and follow the general trends and the 'fashionable' clothes. This shows that the people that show here could be considered to conform to the majority influences which would mean that if, their friends see our horror trailer they would tell their other friends that they want to go, therefore spreading the popularity of the film. This is creates a 'Echo chamber effect'.
From research we have found out that our target audience has  range of favourite music; rock, pop, R&B. Stereotypically, the 'pop' genre of music is the more favourable within our target audience as this type of music is played non-stop on well known and famous radio stations, such as; 'Capital' and 'Kiss'. Although they do play a range of music, pop, house and occassionally rock music such as kings of Leon, pop is still the favoured genre. As our target audience listens to a range of music gneres it means we have a vast amount of soundtracks and music to choose from, to make our trailer easy to relate to and to attract a wide audience. However, as we are producing a trailer, hip hop, pop and rock music do not really apply; unless we go for the unnerving happy music approach, which the trailer 'You're Next' did, as they use a music track which contrast from the scenes on screen, automatically creating unnerving atmosphere.
The TV programmes that we would expect our target audience to be interested in would be series like; 'Breaking Bad', 'The Walking Dead', 'Friends'. This is because these programmes have amazing storylines, realistic make up, and unexpected cliffhangers and plot twists. Therefore it is a place for our target audience to escape from their everyday lives and to relax, as they allow them to relieve some stress, which they would have as they will be going through either GCSE's, A-levels or even University. Another programme they might watch is 'Ghost Hunters'. This is because it links and reflects into our genre 'horror' due to the supernatural elements as they are hunting down ghosts and visiting abandoned houses. This programme would therefore increase the audience's adrenaline, which hopefully our trailer will achieve as well.
The films our target audience would be interested in would be 'Insideous', 'Sinister', 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' and some may be into the old classics like 'The Shining' and 'The Birds'. This is because, firstly the age rating for these are within our target age; but secondly our target audience would have a love or like the horror genre. Horror genre films are known for the creepy and frightening aspects, which they cause, which would make the audience feel scared and horrifying. Having these features within our trailer, therefore, would appeal to our target audience. Also they would like films such as romance and actions, which have characters which are very relatable to. This tells me that we should make our protagonists relatable as it would make the audience want to watch the film, after seeing our trailer. This would furthermore able them to link into the characters' situation.
After researching numerous settings, we decided we wanted to set out trailer mainly within a rural setting. This is because we though it would create an eerie unnerving atmosphere which is a convention which are vital for horrors. It is very conventional having chosen a rural setting as typically, horror films use these locations, in order to make the audience relate to it. The setting of woods or forests have numerous narrow winding paths, which link to alleyways, which people find very creepy and daunting when in the dark. We decided to not jeopardize our production by going for a non conventional location  as we thought that our target audience would find it more terrifying if our trailer is set in an everyday place. We wanted to appeal to a broad audience, therefore within the ages of 15-25/30 or anyone who is deeply passionate about horrors. Through this research, it has told me we need to make our trailer relatable to our audiences' liking, as it would therefore, attract a broad audience, making our production symbolic and outstanding.

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